September 9th in Vienna
Our team had breakfast, and then headed down to the lounge to meet with everyone for worship and devotionals. There was a lady and man that had come into the lounge. They saw Sariah's violin and they wanted her play. Instead, we decided to sing Amazing Grace for them because our sextet was there early. They told us that they were from Turkey. The lady was a famous artist and her husband was an author. They were really friendly, I enjoyed singing for them.
When they left, we sang worship songs. We just praised the Lord; we weren't trying to perform at all. It was wonderful. We read in the Bible, had our devotional, prayed, and left for the day.
We went to Vienna as "musicianaries". However, side benefits were being able to fill our time there with educational sites to round out our cultural studies experience. We walked awhile until we arrived to Haus Der Musik (House of Music.) We found out that the conductor from the famous and well known Austrian orchestra lived in that building before he died. They decided to make it into a musem because they respected the Austrian orchestra.
We all had a great time in the musem! They had one room to represent a famous composer. The composers that we came to in order were Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven, and Franz Schubert. Before we left each room we each had to learn three facts about the composers that we never knew before. In one room we saw these cute little "pocket violins." They would sow the violin's onto their coat tail so that they could play a tune if they were teaching a dance class etc. The pocket violins that we saw were each from Germany from 1720-1750. The rooms were so much fun! There were games, things you could listen to, diagrams, letters, and really interesting facts of that composer.
After two hours in there, we headed to a Christian International school . Our choir first performed for about 20 high schoolers; then for the kindergartners, and finally the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. The high schoolers really got into our songs, it was so funny! After we had performed we had learned that not everyone attending the school was a Christian. We were even spearding God's love and news in this Christian school. The high school choir and our choir joined in their choir room to do warm ups, get to know each other, and we learned a fun African song with them. That was so much fun and a great cross cultural experience for us all!
We had a tasty fun lunch and headed back up stairs to perform for the 4th, 5th, and middle schoolers. After we sang for them, our choir had the chance to play theater games with the middle schoolers. I had a blast with that! We played an improv game and one of the times Kira, Emma #1, Kale, and I got the chance to act a scene out together. Their theater teacher told us afterwards that we were hilarious. I had a wonderful time at the Christian International school. I felt comfortable and more like myself being in a believing environment.
After performing in the school, we all had a ton of energy! It was really funny how we all had a bunch of energy and yet we still went to go get Gilato ice-cream. ;) I had a cookies n' cream type ice-cream, but it was green! Ha ha! Come back for more soon! Though we had an extensive itinerary plan, God had such a different day planned for us. Hint: Refugees!
With Love,
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