Saturday, April 30, 2016

Praying for Your Future Husband

I want to encourage every single girl on the planet to write down a prayer for your future husband. Pray for him as if you already know him. He probably needs your prayers in some way! He is most likely going through something right now just like you are, so pray him through it! Pray for him to see God and His ways. Pray for his confidence in life. Pray for him to have strength. Pray for him to be a leader, and pray that he won’t just go with the crowd. Pray for him to resist the devil and pray for him to resist the temptations of man. Pray for his protection. Pray for him to feel Gods love, and the presence of God around him. Prayer is such a powerful thing! Start doing it now, and don’t delay. See what amazing things the Lord will do in His timing. He has already shown me so much by this, and yet I still have so much to learn. Prayer is POWERFUL!

I have heard many people use the fact that God already knows the desires and thoughts of our hearts as an excuse not to pray. Although, He does know them, He still commands us to, “in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6. Even though He does know every thought of ours and He knows every desire of our hearts, we are told to present all of our requests known to Him. Prayer is more for us and expressing our trust and hope in Him.

Even if you have a vision or idea of what your husband may look or be like, it is important that we define those specific traits in your life partner. As I expressed before, I want to encourage you all to pray for your husband but also to make a list too. “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20. Trust that God WILL bring a godly man into your life someday if it is His will for your life. It’s as important to make a “husband list” as well. Not just a short basic list, but a list that has specifics on it. An example would be, “A man who has a calm temperament and handles stress well.” Don’t make a list where it says “he has to be a handsome, rich, a prince etc.” The reason it is so important to put the important qualities you desire into writing is to hold you accountable as well. You want a man of great character; like David, “a man after God’s own heart.”

Each one of your lists is going to have unique things according to what God is telling you to write. But there are some fundamental traits that God wants to be non-negotiable. Too many young women these days are settling for less than God’s best because they don’t know exactly how He expects His daughters to be treated or they think God has given up on them or forgotten about them. When the time comes there may be guys that try to “sweep you off your feet.” But PLEASE wait for the guy that God has formed and molded and will bring into your life. Based on scripture, here is a list of non- negotiable for you: 

 1. He is a practicing believer and that you would both be like minded.
“Do not be yoked together with an unbeliever… For what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?” 2 Corinthians 6:14-16. Issues and conflicts are bound to rise in marriage, so it is crucial that there is a common foundation on which to hold the marriage accountable. I have heard way too many stories of young woman marrying a guy just because he was “cute, good looking and wooed you with nice words and roses.” Some of these ladies fell into the trap of the evil one, married these ungodly men, and in the end had either a divorce or the girl converted to whatever that young man was believing. Please don’t make the same mistake, and wait for God to bring the right godly man along.

2. God is the center of his life.
He seeks God’s wisdom in all his decisions he makes. Proverbs 8:18-19 says, “With wisdom are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yielded surpasses choice silver.” So many guys’ first thoughts in life are football, TV, and more sports. I’ve read of many young women that said it really helps if the guys first thought in life is God. In fact, I heard it recommended by Leslie Ludy, of “Set Apart Ministries” –ask yourself, each time you’re with this guy do you feel closer to God? Do conversations with him, point you to God?

 3. He has integrity and does not put himself in tempting situations.
He guards you against harm and protects the relationship. Proverbs 5:8-9, “Keep to a path far from evil, do not near the door of that house, lest you give your best strength to others.”

 4. Seeks mentorship and counsel.
It is important that your man is wise in realizing he can’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders without God’s help. Also, when he is surrounded by God- fearing men who are older than him who can offer advice, prayer and mentorship, he can be a better husband to you. Proverbs 12:15, “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.”

 5. He is slow to anger.
There is peace knowing your man holds an even temperament even when he is provoked. A man who allows his feeling, emotions and anger to determine his actions typically has tarnished relationships and is not a healthy place for you or your family. Proverbs 15:18, “A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.”

6. He holds strong convictions on the sacredness of fidelity.
A man is wise when he understand that infidelity and looking for pleasure outside of the marriage only brings strife. God actually calls him to rejoice over all of his days. Proverbs 5:18-20.  “May your fountain be blessed and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth… May you be ever captivated by her love? Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress?”

 7. He is honorable of your heart and emotional well-being.
You need to feel honored and have a safe knowing you can always trust your husband to cover and speak well of you. Proverbs 5:17, “Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers.” 1 Peter 4:8, “Love each other deeply because love covers all wrongs.”

8. He is disciplined in living a life of integrity.
Watch how he handles temptations or sticky situations that test his character. Does he choose to do what is right even when nobody is watching? It is imperative to observe these things because it will indicate if you can trust his decision making. When you’re married, all of his decisions will impact you. Proverbs 5:23, “He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.”

 9. He has a solid work ethic.
Proverbs 6:10-11 says, “ A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest- and poverty will come upon you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.”

 10. He pursues and loves you passionately.
The man you will marry should make you feel loved like you’ve never felt before. Safe, accepted, desired, nurtured, protected, and comforted. Yeshua (Jesus) loves us deeply, He loves us so fiercely, and He was willing to give up His life to save us.
Pursues: “So Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days.” Genesis 29:20.
Loves: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25.

 11. He romances you—(After you’re married!)
God desires for your heart to be romanced, just as He longs to romance us. “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth- for your love is more delightful than wine.” Song of Solomon 1:2. God created Adam and Eve to be together as husband and wife, man and female. They loved and cherished each other, so shouldn’t you long for that in your own marriage some day? “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame.” Song of Solomon 8:6.

 12. He is humble and can admit when he is wrong.
Taking responsibility for his actions and apologizing for his mistakes is the sign of a real man. Like my mom tells my sister and me when we sometimes argue, “It takes two to start an argument.” Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.”

No person on this earth will be perfect and grace is a beautiful thing that makes relationships flourish. That being said, this list for single ladies is to give a basic framework of character traits to look for or recognize whether or not there is desire for growth. Always trust God. He has it all in His hands. God always give us what we need, so trust that He’s got a plan and a purpose for you and He will bring a godly young man into your life someday.

 “For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband…” 2 Corinthians 11:2.

 Ultimately, your divine Father wants you to be treated in a way that it is compared with how Christ cares for us. It is up to us though to believe we are worthy, set the standard, and has the faith that God works in perfect timing to introduce you to your husband.

I have tried doing something for a couple of months and I highly suggest that you at least look at these cards and possibly try them if you would likee. Feel free to print these out if you desire. I saw these cards of ‘31 days of Praying for my Future Husband’ on a Noble Calling Blog’ two years ago. They have been wonderful and I love praying for my future husband and I hope that you will also start praying for your future husband as well.


1. Pray that he is dead to his sins and alive in Christ,

                   seeking to follow and obey Him.

   Pray that Yeshua (Jesus) will always be his first love    

       (Romans 6:11; Matthew 16:24; Mark 12:30)


2. Pray that he loves the Word of God and that he

diligently studies it and applies it to his daily life.

              (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:11)


       3. Pray that he is a man of prayer

(Colossians 4:2; Romans 12:12; James 5:16)


4. Pray that he will be the spiritual leader for you and

       your family, drawing you closer to the Lord.

           (Ephesians 5:25-26; Ephesians 6:4)


5. Pray that he is a protector

         (Ephesians 5:25)


6. Pray that he will be a godly provider and that

        he is a good steward of his money.

         (Romans 12:11; 1 Timothy 5:8.)


7. Pray that he does not have a love for the world and

     that he desires to please the Lord above all others.

          Pray that his prayer and desire for his life

                    and family is Joshua 24:15.

(James 4:4; Colossians 3:23; 1 John 2:15; Joshua 24:15)


8. Pray that he believes in and desires

      an Ephesians 5:22-23 marriage.

               (Ephesians 5:22-23)


9. Pray that he has a love for children

                (Psalm 127:3-5)


10. Pray that he is an honorable man of

   strong character and moral integrity.

   (Galatians 5:22-23; Proverbs 28:18) 




        11. Pray that he would be humble,

        compassionate and understanding.

(James 4:6,10; Ephesians 4:32; Proverbs 14:29)


12. Pray that he would be quick to hear,

      slow to speak and slow to anger.

                     (James 1:19)


13. Pray that he will have the courage to resist temptation

  and the snares of the devil. Pray that he is free from all

addictions and not given to earthly loves such as pornography,

                     money, lust, greed, anger etc.

        (Ephesians 4:27; Romans 12:9; Matthew 26:41) 


        14. Pray that he would be the godly head of your home-

Looking to Yeshua (Jesus) as his example and the Bible as his guide.

                                        (Ephesians 5:23)


          15. Pray that he would be discerning and

               grow in wisdom and self control.

(James 1:5; Proverbs 15:21; Hosea 14:9; Psalm 119:66)


16. Pray that he would commit his ways to the Lord.

                 (Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 37:3-6)


17. Pray that he is quick to repent and ask

      forgiveness from God and others.

             (1 John 1:9; James 5:16)


18. Pray that he has a forgiving heart towards others.

                          (Ephesians 4:32)


19. Pray that he would have a servant’s heart and

    a desire to share the Gospel with others and

         be a shinning light to this dark wolrd.

        (Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 5:14-16)  


20. Pray that he is accountable, trustworthy,

                           and patient.

(Ephesians 4:2-3; James 5:16; Proverbs 28:6)


21. Pray that God’s Word would be a

lamp to his feet and a light to his path.

               (Psalm 119:105)



    22. Pray that he would choose friends wisely

and that he would be surrounded by godly examples,

looking to them for godly counsel when necessary.

               (Hebrews 10:24; Proverbs 27:17)


         23. Pray for his father and that he is a godly,

    honorable man. Pray that he is a good example of a

husband and father for his son. Pray for their relationship.

                    (Ephesians 6:4; Exodus 20:12)


        24. Pray for his mother and that she is a godly,

Proverbs 31, Titus 2 woman, living out biblical womanhood

      before him. Pray for his relationship with his mom

           as well as your future relationship with her.

                      (Exodus 20:12; Titus 2:3-5)


25. Pray for his siblings and his relationship with them.

Pray that they have good relationships with one another.

        Pray for your future relationship with them.

                        (1 Thessalonians 5:11)


26. Pray that God would put a wall of protection around

               your future husband and his family.

                               (Psalm 127:7-8)


27. Pray that he desires a suitable helper

                  (Genesis 2:18)


28. Pray that, by God’s grace, you bring him

 good and not bad, all the days of your life-

  even now, before you are married to him.

                    (Proverbs 31:12)


29. Pray that God would be molding you into

     the wife, helper, and partner that your

                  future husband needs.

                  (Proverbs 31:10-12)


 30. Pray that God would bring you together in His

perfect time and way; that your relationship would be

 honoring to God and filled with purity; and that His

      choice and plan will be clear to both of you.

      (Psalm 37:5-7; Proverbs 4:23; Psalm 119:9)




31. Pray that your future marriage will be God-honoring

          and Christ-centered; filled with a selfless,

             1Corinthians 13 love; always seeking

                          to serve one another.

(Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; Ecclesiastes 4:12)


I have one more list of things that you can pray for your future husband. This list is from “The Power of a Praying Wife” by Stormie Omartian. Even though I (and I am sure most of you are too) are not married, I am revising the list a little bit. This list has wonderful ideas for praying for your future husband. Even though the author wrote this for a wife, we can still use the list for our future husband; just a little differently.

 1. Pray for his wife (You). Pray that God would show you the areas in your life that you need to develop and pray that you will be able to have the character of God. Pray also that God would show you how to develop the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman
2. Pray for his work. Maybe your future husband isn’t working right now, but pray that he will be able to support you financially when you all are married and that he will be able to provide a home for you, food, clothing etc. Pray that he won’t be a couch potato but that he will get up, be productive, and work.

3. Pray for his finances. Like I said above, maybe he isn’t working right now and therefore maybe he doesn’t have finances to deal with. But pray that once he does start working (in a business for himself, for someone else, or with missions work) that he will be able to deal and pay for both of your finances and be wise with y’all’s money.
4. Pray for his temptations. Pray that even right now and when you all are married that he will not fall through the trap of watching pornography or being involved with sexuality. Pray that he will be say no to his temptations and follow God’s way for his life.

5. Pray for his affections. Pray that right now he will not chase after each girl he sees but save his heart and mind for you. Pray that once you all are married that he may be able to give you the love and affection that you deserve and that Father has planned for you and him.

6. Pray for his mind. Pray that he may be able to keep his mind on pure healthy thoughts and not sinful bad thoughts.

7. Pray for his fears. Everyone has fears so pray that he will be able to be brave and not let his fears control him. Help him to know that God will protect him and get him through life.

8. Pray for his purpose. As people start graduating from high school they start to wonder what God’s purpose in life is for them. Whether your future husband is graduating from high school soon, college, or even at home waiting to see what God has for him; pray that he will listen to God’s voice and hear what eHe ZHHe is telling him to do in life.

9. Pray for his choices. Pray that God would help his choices to be honoring to Him and that his choices would always honor God.

10. Pray for his health. Pray for his health now and when you all married; that he may be healthy and take care of the body that God has given him.

11. Pray for his protection. Pray that God will always protect him now and in the future.

12. Pray for his trials. Everyone goes through trials in life, and Satan will try to tempt and bring trials in his and your life. Pray that he will be able to stay strong in his faith (like Job) now and when you all are married. If you all face trials together pray that you all will stay strong in your marriage and in your faith. Pray that he will always turn to God, especially during trials.
13. Pray for his integrity. Pray that he will be honest in everything you speak and thinks of.

14. Pray for his priorities. Pray that his priorities are not to watch TV all day and eat chips but pray that his priorities may be to serve and honor God.

15. Pray for his relationships. Pray that his relationships may be honoring to God and if they are not, that he then will have strength to start having relationships that bring him up and not tear him down.

16. Pray for his fatherhood. Lord willing you all will be able to have children, so pray that he will be a loving kind father to your children. A father is such a big important part in a child’s life, so pray that he will always set a good example for his children and that he will always be there for them. Pray that he will be the gentleman that your daughters need and show your sons how a godly man should act and be.

17. Pray for his past. Pray that his past would’ve been God-honoring and that he had a nice loving past with his family, friends, and life. 

18.Pray for his attitude. Pray that he would have the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23.) Pray that his attitude would love and that he would have a slow to anger spirit.  

 19. Pray for his marriage with you. Pray that you all would have a marriage that brings honor to God, that is loving towards each other, and that you all would bring each other up and not tear each other down. Pray that you all would bring each others relationships closer to God.

I hope these suggested lists of prayers were helpful to you and I hope that you will seriously try to pray for your future husband. You may have a full list of things you want and don’t want in a future husband but I highly suggest that you put that list aside and let God bring the right godly man to you --if His will is for you to even get married in the future. I will be praying for you, dear reader, that you will hold steadfast and wait for the appropriate time and man that God will bring to you in the future. Maybe God’s will isn’t for you to be married or maybe it is. But please don’t be like our worldly generation; flirting with guys constantly, trying to get guys attention, and giving your heart to somebody that should’ve been saved for your husband. God has a plan and a purpose for you, so hold steadfast, pray, and don’t always sit on your bed day dreaming for that time to come. Use this time of singleness wisely; spend time with your family, mentor other girls, go on a missions trip, start a business and most importantly save your heart and feelings for your future husband. Blessings to you, your future husband, and this time of waiting for the right one God will bring to your life.

 With love,

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pictures from the update

These two pictures are of the beautiful sunset on our way to Arizona.

This is a little section of the canyons in Antelope Canyon on Lake Powell

My sister and me on the tour boat in the canyon

Grand Canyon

Some flowers that just bloomed on a cactus

 My sister and me in the pool at my aunt and uncles

Some of the choir family! The concert was about the Persucted Church. We all wore shirts that said "this T-Shirt is illegal in many nations." It was an amazing choir concert! Hope you enjoyed these photos!

Update- Let Him direct our paths

Update plus trusting God
                                                             Let Him direct your paths

 Hey y’all! I am so sorry that I haven’t blogged in awhile. I have been so busy this past month and weeks. My little sister broke her ankle in two spots. One of the spots is at her growth plate and because my sister is still growing; the doctors don’t want her to have arthritis when she is an adult so the decision was made to have surgery. My parents decided in the doctor’s office to reschedule our Arizona trip and leave for our trip the next day. We decided to leave so quickly in order to visit my uncle and aunt who are heading off for Alaska (where they live half of the year.) We all wanted to be together to celebrate my grandma’s 90th birthday, and be back in time for my sister’s surgery.

We drove to Arizona with my sister elevating her leg on a stack of pillows in the back seat of our car. She is such a trooper! We would get out for meal and snack breaks, plus bathroom breaks. Each time she got out of the car, she did it without complaining, even though pain in her ankle was terrible. The second hotel that we stayed in didn’t have an elevator and we were on the second floor, so each time my sister had to climb up and down the stairs with her crutches. She didn’t complain one time that trip, she held her head high, and leaned on the Lord for her strength. She is so brave! One night on our road trip there was a beautiful blue and pink sunset, and we visited the Grand Canyon. We also took a boat tour through Antelope Canyon on Lake Powell. It was wonderful to see these beautiful sights. When I see a beautiful sun set, and two amazing canyons I have to wonder how some people don’t believe in God, like evolutionists. It is wonderful to think that the God who created and formed these canyons, mountains, sunsets, etc. loves us and cares for us. He calls us sons and daughters, He calls you beloved. Our Heavenly Father, who knows how many grains of sand there are, also knows how many hairs are on each of our heads. I was very thankful to be able to see more of God’s beautiful creation on this trip.

It was so great to see my grandmother, uncle and aunt. One day we went swimming in my uncle and aunt’s pool. Because my sister couldn’t get her cast wet, she was able to float on their floaty chair. It was a blast!  My grandma had a wonderful party, though it was just the 6 of us celebrating with her. I think she especially enjoyed a very tasty ice-cream cake we chose for her. Since we arrived back home, my grand ma has had three birthday parties… all from the same friends too! Those elderly folks really enjoy having fun! It is amazing to think that God has blessed my grandmother with 90 wonderful years! She has gone through so much through the years and it is fun to think that she is still learning about things. Life is always a big lesson. There is always an opportunity for us to learn and grow if we have the right attitude about doing that.  

On our way back home from Arizona, a big snow storm came through. The interstate closed that we were driving on so we stayed over night at a friends house-very spontaneously. Thankfully they were home and available since my Dad called 10 hotels and they were all sold out. Thankfully, the interstate opened sometime during the night and we were able to head out the next morning at 5:30am for my sisters surgery. When we were driving on the open road that morning, it was still snow packed and icy; even though they had been clearing the road all night long. There were many cars that had rolled over on the road. It always hurts my heart to see that so many people can get killed,  or get seriously injured from a car. We did make it to the out patient center…and on time too for the surgery. My sister’s surgery went really smoothly (Praise the Lord!) She did really well when we got home, even though she had a lot of pain still. This past week I’ve been focusing on school, getting ready for Passover, The Feasts of Unleavened bread, and The Feast of First Fruits. Last week my sister got a hard cast on. Additionally, I had a choir performance, and my two goats are close to giving birth!

One thing I have continually been learning through the past weeks, and especially when we were coming home from Arizona during the snow storm and the roads were closing, is the big lesson of giving up our own plans, trusting God, and letting Him direct our paths. We all often plan out our lives and our futures, and yet, God has something far better planned for our life. There’s a verse that has really changed my “planning mode” lately. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” God wants us to surrender ALL of our daily plans, dreams and desires. My sister who loves to do worship dance and ballet would never have chosen to have broken her ankle and not be able to dance for several months. But she knows that her Heavenly Father sometimes has bigger plans and purposes in a situation then she does and He allows unpleasant situations to occur in our life.  He wants to direct and lead us on the path that He has intended for our life. Yes, we can plan which is a wise activity to do, but we cannot hold tight to those plans. Proverbs 16:9 says, “A person may plan his steps, but the Lord directs his paths.” Humans are very controlling. They want to control their WHOLE life and everything in it. God calls us to plan but then hold our hands open, laying it all before Him to do as He so desires. This trip was defiantly a good reminder of this continual lesson. I’m still working on letting go of my dreams and just general plans for life each day. I’m trying to let God take the burden off my back and let Him carry me through life. If we just lean on Him and trust that He will direct our footsteps each day, then I believe He will carry us through the storm.

  I want to let you all know, that when we surrender things to our Heavenly Father, there will be disappointment sometimes. Life isn’t all going to be skipping through a flower patch all the time. When we surrender our life and lay our burden down at His feet, He may not take you on the path that you desire to go on. Let’s say there is a guy that you really admire. He is always on your mind, but because you have given God your life, you decide to surrender that guy to God. Maybe God starts leading you away from this guy because he has a far better life and possible a better young man planned for you. That may be disappointing to you, but you need to trust God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

 These times of trusting God with all of your heart, soul, and mind may be as our family calls them a CDM: Character- development- moment. You are maybe a very strong willed person that wants to plan every single detail out of your life. So this would be a CDM for you too, because you are developing trust and surrender. Be willing to go a different direction, trust God, and let Him direct your path. His ways are always far better than we could ever imagine. Trust God. He loves you. He holds your hand through the storm and He will direct your plans, paths, and steps. He is your Father and you’re His child.