Saturday, April 16, 2016

Update- Let Him direct our paths

Update plus trusting God
                                                             Let Him direct your paths

 Hey y’all! I am so sorry that I haven’t blogged in awhile. I have been so busy this past month and weeks. My little sister broke her ankle in two spots. One of the spots is at her growth plate and because my sister is still growing; the doctors don’t want her to have arthritis when she is an adult so the decision was made to have surgery. My parents decided in the doctor’s office to reschedule our Arizona trip and leave for our trip the next day. We decided to leave so quickly in order to visit my uncle and aunt who are heading off for Alaska (where they live half of the year.) We all wanted to be together to celebrate my grandma’s 90th birthday, and be back in time for my sister’s surgery.

We drove to Arizona with my sister elevating her leg on a stack of pillows in the back seat of our car. She is such a trooper! We would get out for meal and snack breaks, plus bathroom breaks. Each time she got out of the car, she did it without complaining, even though pain in her ankle was terrible. The second hotel that we stayed in didn’t have an elevator and we were on the second floor, so each time my sister had to climb up and down the stairs with her crutches. She didn’t complain one time that trip, she held her head high, and leaned on the Lord for her strength. She is so brave! One night on our road trip there was a beautiful blue and pink sunset, and we visited the Grand Canyon. We also took a boat tour through Antelope Canyon on Lake Powell. It was wonderful to see these beautiful sights. When I see a beautiful sun set, and two amazing canyons I have to wonder how some people don’t believe in God, like evolutionists. It is wonderful to think that the God who created and formed these canyons, mountains, sunsets, etc. loves us and cares for us. He calls us sons and daughters, He calls you beloved. Our Heavenly Father, who knows how many grains of sand there are, also knows how many hairs are on each of our heads. I was very thankful to be able to see more of God’s beautiful creation on this trip.

It was so great to see my grandmother, uncle and aunt. One day we went swimming in my uncle and aunt’s pool. Because my sister couldn’t get her cast wet, she was able to float on their floaty chair. It was a blast!  My grandma had a wonderful party, though it was just the 6 of us celebrating with her. I think she especially enjoyed a very tasty ice-cream cake we chose for her. Since we arrived back home, my grand ma has had three birthday parties… all from the same friends too! Those elderly folks really enjoy having fun! It is amazing to think that God has blessed my grandmother with 90 wonderful years! She has gone through so much through the years and it is fun to think that she is still learning about things. Life is always a big lesson. There is always an opportunity for us to learn and grow if we have the right attitude about doing that.  

On our way back home from Arizona, a big snow storm came through. The interstate closed that we were driving on so we stayed over night at a friends house-very spontaneously. Thankfully they were home and available since my Dad called 10 hotels and they were all sold out. Thankfully, the interstate opened sometime during the night and we were able to head out the next morning at 5:30am for my sisters surgery. When we were driving on the open road that morning, it was still snow packed and icy; even though they had been clearing the road all night long. There were many cars that had rolled over on the road. It always hurts my heart to see that so many people can get killed,  or get seriously injured from a car. We did make it to the out patient center…and on time too for the surgery. My sister’s surgery went really smoothly (Praise the Lord!) She did really well when we got home, even though she had a lot of pain still. This past week I’ve been focusing on school, getting ready for Passover, The Feasts of Unleavened bread, and The Feast of First Fruits. Last week my sister got a hard cast on. Additionally, I had a choir performance, and my two goats are close to giving birth!

One thing I have continually been learning through the past weeks, and especially when we were coming home from Arizona during the snow storm and the roads were closing, is the big lesson of giving up our own plans, trusting God, and letting Him direct our paths. We all often plan out our lives and our futures, and yet, God has something far better planned for our life. There’s a verse that has really changed my “planning mode” lately. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” God wants us to surrender ALL of our daily plans, dreams and desires. My sister who loves to do worship dance and ballet would never have chosen to have broken her ankle and not be able to dance for several months. But she knows that her Heavenly Father sometimes has bigger plans and purposes in a situation then she does and He allows unpleasant situations to occur in our life.  He wants to direct and lead us on the path that He has intended for our life. Yes, we can plan which is a wise activity to do, but we cannot hold tight to those plans. Proverbs 16:9 says, “A person may plan his steps, but the Lord directs his paths.” Humans are very controlling. They want to control their WHOLE life and everything in it. God calls us to plan but then hold our hands open, laying it all before Him to do as He so desires. This trip was defiantly a good reminder of this continual lesson. I’m still working on letting go of my dreams and just general plans for life each day. I’m trying to let God take the burden off my back and let Him carry me through life. If we just lean on Him and trust that He will direct our footsteps each day, then I believe He will carry us through the storm.

  I want to let you all know, that when we surrender things to our Heavenly Father, there will be disappointment sometimes. Life isn’t all going to be skipping through a flower patch all the time. When we surrender our life and lay our burden down at His feet, He may not take you on the path that you desire to go on. Let’s say there is a guy that you really admire. He is always on your mind, but because you have given God your life, you decide to surrender that guy to God. Maybe God starts leading you away from this guy because he has a far better life and possible a better young man planned for you. That may be disappointing to you, but you need to trust God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

 These times of trusting God with all of your heart, soul, and mind may be as our family calls them a CDM: Character- development- moment. You are maybe a very strong willed person that wants to plan every single detail out of your life. So this would be a CDM for you too, because you are developing trust and surrender. Be willing to go a different direction, trust God, and let Him direct your path. His ways are always far better than we could ever imagine. Trust God. He loves you. He holds your hand through the storm and He will direct your plans, paths, and steps. He is your Father and you’re His child.     

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