Sunday, August 7, 2016

Pictures from July 9th South Dakota day 3

The fish in the fish hatchery 

Kira and Megan chillin' out of the hot sun

Mrs. Porter and Emma 

My sister, my mom and me. 

Jackson felt a little left out, I feel bad that he is the guy in the choir. :(

Some of the choir

My mom, Mrs. Bore , Rebecca and the two girls below... Abby and Addie!

A beautiful little area in the garden at the fish hatchery.

Rebecca and I relaxing at the river.

The river was so peaceful, it kind of sounded like the ocean... It was so nice.

Singing in the Band she'll.

Waiting in line for 9 square.

9 square with the choir and church.

Maiza, Abby and Jackson enjoying some good cotton candy.

Megan REALLY enjoyed it.

I love my dear choir family! 


  1. These photos are great! Looks like y'all had fun! :):)

  2. Hey Melanie! Thank you so much! It was a blast, wish you could join choir. :( miss you girly.
